Fulldev UI

Docs Components Blocks Showcase


Latest posts

Read the latest articles from our blog.

placeholder landscape 2024-03-15

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Introducing our versatile Hero component with multiple layout options including centered, spread, split, and background styles. Perfect for creating impactful page headers.

placeholder landscape 2024-03-10

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Check out our new Features block with customizable layouts. Great for showcasing your product's key features or services.

placeholder landscape 2024-03-05

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Discover our flexible Content block with split layout and panel options. Ideal for presenting detailed information about your products or services.

import Posts from 'fulldev-ui/blocks/Posts.astro'

  heading="Latest posts"
  text="Read the latest articles from our blog."
      tagline: '2024-03-15',
      heading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur',
      text: 'Introducing our versatile Hero component with multiple layout options including centered, spread, split, and background styles. Perfect for creating impactful page headers.',
      image: '/images/placeholder-landscape.webp',
      href: '',
      tagline: '2024-03-10',
      heading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur',
      text: "Check out our new Features block with customizable layouts. Great for showcasing your product's key features or services.",
      image: '/images/placeholder-landscape.webp',
      href: '',
      tagline: '2024-03-05',
      heading: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur',
      text: 'Discover our flexible Content block with split layout and panel options. Ideal for presenting detailed information about your products or services.',
      image: '/images/placeholder-landscape.webp',
      href: '',